The Opportunity Lab Child Safety Statement

At The Opportunity Lab we are committed to child safety in all parts of our work and have zero tolerance for any form of harm to children.

We make sure that:

  • every child and young person we work with feels safe

  • you feel safe     

o   in your body,

o   feel safe to say how you are feeling and

o   to be yourself in your culture, to use your language or if you have a disability

  • we make sure any adults working with you understand what you need and have worked with children and young people before

  • all adults working at The Opportunity Lab are safe people and follow the rules and responsibilities

  • all adults working with you will have been carefully selected and screened

  • your rights to confidentiality and privacy are protected

  • you know how to speak up about any problems and support you to be able to do that

  • you know how to raise an issue with us about a person or something that is not right and we will make sure this is followed up

The Opportunity Lab works from a rights-based perspective and will advocate for the rights of children and adults at an individual and systems level.

The work of The Opportunity Lab is informed by:

  • Child Safe Standards

  • The Conventions of the Rights of the Child

  • Child Safety and Wellbeing Act 2005

  • Working with Children Check 2005

  • Privacy and Data protection Act 2014

  • Family Violence Protection Act 2008