
After working with people from all walks of life for over 25 years in community services, higher education and government, Kathy Prior saw an urgent need for the most disadvantaged and disenfranchised in our community to have access to programs that are flexible, creative and tailored to the needs of the individual. There is indisputable evidence that education and a "leg up" out of socio-economic disadvantage has holistic benefits for people. Connecting community and business in a social enterprise model made complete sense in realising this dream.

Kathy’s fierce determination and heart, along with a fantastic network of support led to the launch of The Opportunity Lab in June 2020 - with the aim to create first steps to re-engage people to learning and exploring what they like doing when they aren’t sure anymore.


Kathy Prior - Founder and CEO

BA (Psych), MBA, Grad Diploma Loss and Grief Counselling, Certificate IV TAE

Kathy Prior has worked for over 25 years to executive level in the following fields:

  • Child, youth and family

  • Homelessness and Family Violence

  • Child protection

  • Teaching vocational education

Kathy is a proud mother of two amazing human beings. She supports the community through volunteering in community sports and being a foster carer, providing respite for children and young people.

Kathy considers herself to be a life-long learner and encourages and supports others to think the same. Her deep-seated passion for innovation and striving to be one step ahead, has enabled her to realise her dream of creating this social enterprise.

There are a lot of things that have driven me to want to do this work including having worked with children and young people through street outreach and residential care which reinforced my passion for creating opportunities for anyone no matter what their circumstances are.
Kathy Prior

Kathy Prior

Arnold J. Greiner - Cooking program

Chef, Diploma of Teaching

Arnold started as an apprentice chef at 16 in Western Victoria, working through all sections of the kitchen, with his culinary career culminating as an Executive Chef. Throughout his career he has been very lucky to work with some talented and inspirational Melbourne chefs including Robert Licciardo, Stephanie Alexander, Laurent Pommey, Robert Castellani, Annie Smithers, Geoff Lindsay, Greg Malouf, Aaron Turner and Guy Grossi. Additionally, Arnold has worked in some excellent restaurants including Cotswold House, Stephanie’s, Slattery’s, Lynch’s and Loam.

With a burning desire to pass on his culinary knowledge acquired throughout his time spent in the kitchen, Arnold commenced teaching commercial cookery in 1995, gaining Diploma of Teaching (TAFE) in 1998. He has gone on to teach at a number of TAFEs throughout Victoria, across a broad range of student cohorts and describes his experiences over the past 20 years as incredibly rewarding, challenging and deeply satisfying.

From 2005 to 2019 Arnold was the coordinator of a reengagement program for youth at risk, known as the HEAT (Hospitality, Employment and Training) program. HEAT is administered by St Kilda Youth Service (Melbourne City Mission) in collaboration with William Angliss Institute of TAFE.

Arnold loves to mentor young people and see their sense of self-worth expanded and gains particular pleasure from seeing the students try new foods and expand their palates, which opens up a whole new world of experiences for them. He is also committed to seasonality and believes no food should be wasted.

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