We offer programs to help you get back on track…

If you are aged between 15 to 25 years and looking to get back to study or into the workforce we can help. By joining one of our programs you will receive one on one mentoring, counselling, life and job skills training as well as work experience or pathways to study.

Stage 1: EXPLORE

When we first start working with you, we will be getting to know you, finding out what you like doing and what you do well, what are the things you find difficult and what stops you from doing what you like.

We will meet with you at least once a week (Online or using facetime during COVID-19) and work on the things we have identified with you. We can work with you alone or sometimes in a small group if you like.

Stage 2: SUPPORT

Once we have got to know you, we will work with you to build your confidence and start to create opportunities for you to try new activities and skills. Our staff are very experienced and creative in their work.

Stage 3: CONNECT

During this time we will be able to connect you with other people for work experience opportunities and other learning experiences. We will stay involved with you to make sure you continue to feel supported in new environments.

Whether you want to work towards getting a job, work experience or learn new things we will be able to create a range of opportunities for you to try out.

Take the next step…

Contact us by phoning 0409 570 046 or fill out the form below and we will get back to you.