Complaints and Handling Feedback Policy


The purpose of this policy is to outline how The Opportunity Lab manages complaints, grievances and feedback in a timely, fair and effective way.

1.2   SCOPE
This policy applies to all staff (paid and volunteer), contractors and our board, receiving or managing complaints or feedback from the public and clients made to or about our services, staff or our complaint handling process.

All board members and staff are expected to commit to a timely, fair and effective response to complaints and feedback provided.

CEO and Board:

Create and foster a culture of feedback that values complaints and uses this feedback to continuously improve and ensure a safe environment


  • Report to the governing body on our complaint handling.

  • Provide adequate support and direction to key staff responsible for handling complaints.

  • Regularly review reports about complaint trends and issues arising from complaints.

  • Encourage all staff to be alert to complaints and assist those responsible for handling complaints to resolve them promptly.

  • Encourage staff to make recommendations for system improvements.

  • Support recommendations for service, staff and complaint handling improvements arising from the analysis of complaint data

Staff whose duties include complaint handling (may include CEO or board member):

Demonstrate exemplary complaint handling and feedback practices


  • Treat all people with respect, including people who make complaints.

  • Assist people to make a complaint, if needed.

  • Comply with our policy and associated procedures.

  • Provide regular feedback to management and/or the governing body on issues arising from complaints.

  • Provide suggestions to management on ways to improve our complaints and feedback management system.

  • Implement changes arising from individual complaints and feedback and from the analysis of complaint data as directed by management.

All Staff

Understand and comply with our complaint handling and feedback practices.


  • Treat all people with respect, including people who make complaints.

  • Be aware of our complaint handling and feedback policies and procedures.

  • Assist people who wish to make complaints access our complaints process. Be alert to complaints and assist staff handling complaints resolve matters promptly.


Complaint.  An expression of dissatisfaction made to or about us, our services, staff or the handling of a complaint where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required. As well as complaints being made directly to our organisation, remember that some complaints (or at least negative comments) made be made on social media.

Complaint handling/management system.  All policies, procedures, practices, staff, hardware and software used by us in the management of complaints.

Dispute. An unresolved complaint escalated either within or outside of our organisation.

Feedback. Opinions, comments and expressions of interest or concern, made directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly, to or about us, about our services or complaint handling system where a response is not explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.

Grievance. A clear, formal written statement by an individual staff member about another staff member or a work-related problem.

Policy. A statement of instruction that sets out how we should fulfil our vision, mission and goals.

Procedure A statement or instruction that sets out how our policies will be implemented and by whom.