Women’s and Youth programs:

Our Women’s program is targeted to women who have experienced family violence and who want support in engaging or re-engaging in employment or education. Our program recognises the challenges and barriers in doing this given their experiences. We are able to provide a range of opportunities that allows women to try new skills and build their confidence.

Our Youth program is for young people aged 15-25 years who are disengaged from learning, employment or who are about to leave school. This program is tailored to meet a diverse group of clients including young people who have experienced trauma or have a psycho-social, intellectual/ learning or neurological disability.

We work with clients holistically, recognising where they have been, identifying what the barriers and challenges are in order to work with them on these areas. We will work flexibly and creatively understanding that there will be complex needs that will take time to explore.

These programs are typically 10 - 15 weeks long with the opportunity to extend.

The Opportunity Lab reaches clients whose needs are currently not being met through existing services.

Structure for the Women’s and Youth’s program:

Stage 1: EXPLORE

  • Assessment

  • Mentoring to support confidence

  • Job readiness skills

  • Counselling

  • Building social and life skills

Stage 2: SUPPORT

  • Continuing with key areas from Stage 1 as needed

  • Work experience

Stage 3: CONNECT

  • Links to employment and education

Not everyone will want or maybe need to do all three stages immediately or at all.

We provide 1 to 1 support and, where appropriate, group support.

Support Work Program

We are excited to be offering Support work as an additional program. Our knowledge and experience working with young people, women and children who need some support in accessing their community and in building their skills, is extensive.

Our staff have experience in working with people who are neurodiverse, who have mental ill health, who are isolated, who have had contact with the child protection and/ or criminal justice system and need support.

We can provide support to NDIS participants with self managed or plan managed NDIS plans.

We can also provide support to young people, women and children who are not part of the NDIS. Please contact us to see what we could offer. 

For NDIS participants our rates align with support work rates. For all other we can provide a quote.

Please contact us to discuss details.